Oscoda Area Schools

98c Learning Loss Plan - Updated 4/18/2023

Board of Education Presentation 10/10/2022 Link:

1. Administering high-quality, reliable assessment that can assess student academic progress and assist educators in meeting student needs, including by differentiating instruction.

Oscoda Area Schools administers NWEA three times per year: fall, winter and spring. MAP Growth measures achievement and growth in K-12 reading, language arts and science. The data from these assessments provides teachers with details to guide and support curriculum based instructional strategies to meet the needs of students regardless of their achievement levels, whether they are below, at or above grade level. These assessments also reveal how students grew from fall to spring, regardless of achievement level, to provide a more comprehensive view of school performance. MAP Growth student reports also present realistic student learning goals by subject areas. This allows students to see their individual progress and be motivated to increase their learning.

Grant/Budget Costs

Coordinator of Assessment and Accountability - Provides oversight for administration of high quality, accurate, valid assessments to accurately assess students' progress and assist educators in meeting students' academic needs: NWEA, M-STEP , SAT WorkKeys, PSAT, WIDA


$4,075 (b)


Assessments - Administering valid and reliable high quality assessments to accurately assess students' academic progress and using the data to drive instruction to meet the differing needs of students. NWEA tests are administered three time per year fall, winter, spring with data reviewed after each testing cycle

MAP Growth Science - 792 Students



MAP Growth K-12 - 1085 Students



Along with differentiating lessons/activities for students within the classroom, teachers support students in the following scenarios:

  • Tier II and Tier III Academic Support groups/classes are scheduled at all grade levels and are scheduled during the school day based on assessment data.

  • Lunch Workshop, for middle school and high school students, is another strategy to support the academic needs of students at risk of failing.

  • After School Workshop is available for elementary, middle school, and high school students in need of additional academic support.

2. Implementing evidence-based activities to meet the comprehensive needs of students.

To meet the comprehensive needs of our students, Oscoda Area Schools has created the following district MICIP / School Improvement Plan focuses::

Goal: MTSS academic goal is to focus on high-quality tier one instruction and define, train, and support a tiered delivery system to reach the academic needs of all students.

Strategy: A “guaranteed” curriculum is often defined as a mechanism through which all students have an equal opportunity (time and access) to learn rigorous content. This requires a school-wide (or district-wide) agreement and common understanding of the essential content that all students need to know, understand, and be able to do.

Activities: Provide professional learning and implementation expectations for the Literacy Essentials K-12. Provide professional learning and implementation expectations for K-3 LETRS.

Middle School and High School staff have had extensive Literacy Essentials training which included reading strategies for all content areas and activities for increasing student success.

Our elementary reading curriculum has been reviewed and updated. New reading materials to deliver the curriculum have been ordered and will be implemented this year. A professional development/training session for the Amplify CKLA program will be held on November 1, 2022, with continuing support to teachers throughout the school year.

These grant dollars will be used to purchase Amplify CKLA supplemental materials for Tier II and Tier II instruction which will allow teachers/staff to better meet the diverse needs of our K-5 students.

These materials include:

  • Amplify Reading provides personalized instruction and practice for students.

  • mClass Intervention is the teacher-led intervention program of CKLA and includes an assessment suite, which would fit in nicely with what we are already doing.

Costs are outlined in the following budget plan.

Grant/Budget Costs


Unit Cost


Extended Cost

Amplify CKLA - ELA Supplemental Materials: Supplemental reading materials to provide Tier II, and TIer III academic support to assess the academic impact of lost instruction time for students Additional reading/supplemental materials to be funded through ESSER III, Section 35 (a) 5

Amplify Reading (Site License)




mClass Dibels 8th Ed diagnostic to evaluate student progress/identify interventions




K-3 Amplify Kits Tiered supports for ELA instruction




Supplemental Reading Resources for Reading Academic Support: S.P.I.R.E. (Specialized Program Individualizing Reading Excellence). It is a high quality, Orton-Gillingham-based reading program created specifically to teach children with diagnosable dyslexia how to read. (Tier IIand Tier III). The Teacher’s Guides are scripted to provide good teaching support. Each lesson is simplified because the procedures are very consistent from one lesson to the next.

SPIRE Pre-Level 1




SPIRE Level 1




SPIRE Level 2 Kit




SPIRE Level 3 Kit




SPIRE Level 4 Kit




Additional Academic Support to English Learners: HQ bilingual teacher 1 hour / school day (planning time costs) to provide additional academic support to identified EL students









Total Bilingual Teacher


3. Providing information and assistance to parents and families on ways to support students

NWEA provides program resources to help families understand the basics of the MAP Growth assessment: what it is, what it measures, how it works, and what a RIT score is. The district will share this resource, as well as others, during parent conferences, post on the district website, in phone/text messages, and through social media platforms.

In addition, the district PTO meetings will be a venue to share NWEA information/resources and update parents with strategies and activities to support student learning and student success.

4. Tracking student performance and engagement in distance learning

When distance learning is used, Google Meet and/or Google Classroom will be used to communicate, engage and document student progress and need for and need for additional support.