Oscoda High School - Prepares students with the skills they will need to succeed in college, career, and life.
Oscoda is one of four school districts within the Iosco Regional Service Agency. Our campus is located on River Road three miles west of beautiful downtown Oscoda, Michigan.
We are very proud of our students, teachers, parents, and community members that make up our school community. Our Vision is “Students First”. This is exemplified by our hard working and dedicated staff who think of students first when making decisions affecting students’ education, social well being, and extra curricular activities.
If you would like to know more about Oscoda Area High School please feel free to call our main office at 989-739-9121 to talk with us or schedule a tour.
Go Owls!
“Our mission, in partnership with home and community, is to provide a safe environment in which each student will attain academic excellence as well as personal growth and achievement. We will graduate students prepared to further their education or training, enter the work force, and contribute positively to society.”
We believe: Everyone can learn and contribute. All employees and volunteers are partners in learning. Families share in the responsibility of educating the child. Everyone should have respect for self and others. Community support and involvement are essential to the success of our school.
3550 E. River Rd, Oscoda, MI 48750 - (989) 739-9121
Rebecca Brooks | Principal | brooksr@oscodaschools.org |
Seth Alda | Assistant Principal | aldas@oscodaschools.org |
Lindsey Moore | Counselor | moorel@oscodaschools.org |
Taylor Greenway | Office Secretary | greenwayt@oscodaschools.org |
Jennie Lechel | Athletics/Office Secretary | lechelj@oscodaschools.org |
Melissa Curley | Transportation/Office Secretary | curleymelissa@oscodaschools.org |
Cheri Meier | Athletic Director | meierc@oscodaschools.org |
Dean Caldwell | Assistant Athletic Director | caldwelld@oscodaschools.org |
Jamily Axline | McKinney Vento Liaison | axlinej@oscodaschools.org |
Tina Ruedisueli | Transportation | ruedisueli@oscodaschools.org |