Oscoda Area Schools 2024-2025 Wellness Committee

We would like to extend our gratitude to the members of our 2024-2025 Wellness Committee for their participation during the 2024-2025 school year. Oscoda Area Schools Wellness Committee meets four times each school year to review and track progress toward committee established wellness goals. These goals are typically updated every three years by the committee. In addition, the committee discusses, reviews, and drafts suggestions regarding wellness activities in the Oscoda Area Schools' service area. If you are interested in joining our team, you are invited to participate in our next scheduled meeting.

Oscoda Area Schools 2024-2025 Wellness Committee Members

Thank you for your participation!

Mission and Vision of the Oscoda Area Schools Wellness Committee

The Oscoda Area Schools Wellness Committee is dedicated to promoting our student body's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our mission is to create a healthy, supportive environment that fosters positive lifestyle choices and encourages personal growth. We aim to help prepare students to lead healthy and fulfilling lives beyond high school.


Oscoda Area Schools 2024-2025 Wellness Committee Meetings (Agenda and Minutes)

Meetings are held in the Board of Education Office inside Oscoda High School, located at 3550 East River Road, Oscoda, MI 48750



April 2, 2025

April 2025

2022-2026 Recommended Goals

One of the primary functions of the Wellness Committee is to establish district-wide wellness goals, at a minimum, every three years. The committee updated the district's wellness goals at their December 5th meeting as outlined below.

2023-2024 Goals

Goal 1: The dietary department will establish a process that results in a school lunch taste test at least twice each school year. Once occurring no later than October 31st. The results will be shared within the Wellness committee, and potential adjustments made to the school menu.

Goal 2: OAS staff will work collectively to establish a quarterly Wellness activity/challenge. For example, open swim, walking group, pick up basketball/volleyball, etc., for staff to participate in to promote active lifestyles.

Goal 3: A parenting workshop will be offered at least two times throughout the school year with the intention of increasing the overall wellness within the family setting.  Healthy strategies will be presented, and parents will be given an opportunity to practice between sessions.

K-12 Student Wellness Initiatives

K-3 Michigan Model for Health

Students receive instruction from the Social & Emotional Health unit of the Michigan Model for Health Elementary curriculum. There are 6-8 lessons for each grade K-3. These topics cover the following SEL competencies in an age-appropriate way:
● Self-Management
● Self-Awareness
● Responsible Decision Making
● Relationship Skills
● Social Awareness

4th-5th Grade Suite360 for Students

Each week students complete an online lesson. The lessons are fully aligned with the CASEL framework. Reaching students, ensuring engagement and monitoring student outcomes is at the heart of Suite360 for Students. Suite360 for Students features hundreds of topics to help students grow into successful adults and citizens, including:
● Academic success
● Bullying Prevention
● Effective communication
● Growth mindset
● Relationship skills
● Responsible decision-making
● Self-management

6th-8th Grade Advisory (30 minutes every day)

Our purpose is to mentor and build relationships that provide a caring, safe environment that is built around the social and emotional development of the middle school child.

1. Know Oneself
2. Know Each Other
3. Know Our School
4. Know Our Community
● Advisory is also used for teachers to complete the following:
○ Review Handbook
○ Review and Examine PBIS Lessons
○ Character Lessons
○ Team Building Activities

Professional School Counselor Mr. Olsen

Mr. Olsen provides class presentations to each 7th through 9th grade classroom two-three times a year. The focus of the presentations are listed below:
● Bullying
● Decision Making
● Character Development
● Emotional Regulation
● Self Regulation
● Co-Regulation
● Brain stem interplays with emotional regulation
● Strategies

Trails Lessons (7th-12th grade)

● Unit 1: Self-Awareness
● Unit 2: Self-Management
● Unit 3: Social Awareness
● Unit 4: Relationship Skills
● Unit 5: Responsible Decision-Making

Michigan Youth Alive Assembly

In today’s culture we must take time to invest in the character of this generation. Most importantly, when we do, we are investing in the future. In our programs students learn how choices impact pathways, and attitude impacts altitude. They will succeed when they choose to have character and integrity, and our world needs students who understand that. Firstly, we challenge students to see the world beyond their immediate circumstance. Secondly, we give them ways to become a superhero in their own life and the lives of people around them.
● K-2nd grade assembly
● 3rd-5th grade assembly
● 6-th-8th grade assembly
● 9th-12 grade assembly
● Employee Assembly

Bullying Prevention with Community Resource Officer

All students in grades 2-6 received lessons from our Community Resource Officer on bullying. They learned what bullying is, the different types of bullies, and what to do if you have witnessed or been the victim of bullying.

Suite 360 Restorative Program

Navigate360’s Intervention & Restorative Practices gives schools and teachers an effective way to reach out and help students struggling behaviorally.
● Provide a compassionate instructional response
● Lessons that help students learn from challenging behaviors
● Robust reporting and record keeping
○ 126 Restorative Lessons have been assigned to students in grades 7th-12th grade following a behavior (as of 3/26/2023)
○ 181 Restorative Lessons have been assigned to students in grades K-6th grade following a behavior (as of 3/26/2023)

After School Physical Fitness Club

● All students have the opportunity to participate in weight training Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of each week