Welcome to Richardson Elementary School! AT RES, we are committed to providing a supportive and engaging environment where our students can reach their highest potential.
Explore our website to learn more about our programs and discover the exciting opportunities available to our students. Whether you’re a current family, prospective parent, or community member, we hope you find the information helpful and inspiring.
We are committed to a continued partnership with families to make a very positive educational experience for each and every child attending Richardson Elementary School! Every day we strive to reach our vision of… Students First!
Thank you for being part of our school community. It’s a great day to be an Owl!
Mrs. Ann Sheffer and Mrs. Lorrie Mongeau
3630 E. River Rd, Oscoda, MI 48750 - (989) 739-9173
Ann Sheffer | Principal | sheffera@oscodaschools.org |
Lorrie Mongeau | Dean of Students | mongeaulorrie@oscodaschools.org |
Courtney Martin | Office Secretary | martincourtney@oscodaschools.org |
Sara Lee | Office Secretary | lees@oscodaschools.org |
Tracy Wright | Special Education Secretary | wrightt@oscodaschools.org |
Tina Ruedisueli | Transportation | ruedisuelit@oscodaschools.org |
Jamily Axline | McKinney Vento Liason | axlinej@oscodaschools.org |