We are wrapping up the advertisement portion of our 7-12 grade yearbook. If your business or organization would like to purchase an ad in the 2020-2021 Lumberjack, please reach out to Mrs. Lopez. We are also wrapping up "Ads for Grads". Parents of seniors received a letter in the mail about this last month, and email from Mr. Allison, and a reminder on the 2021 Facebook page. If you have not yet provided this information, please reach out asap. Thanks, and have a safe and healthy break! yearbook@oscodaschools.org
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Happy Thursday! Today was the last day before break for in person instruction. Tomorrow is a Virtual Learning Friday for all of our students. Winter break officially starts on December 19th. School will resume on Monday, January 4, 2021. We want to wish everyone a very happy holiday season! Here is a short video from Mrs. Pichla, Mrs. Brooks, and Chester to make you smile today. https://elfyourself.com/?mId=139466 Chester wanted to share his holiday pictures as well. He hopes everyone has a safe and fun break. We want to make sure we thank our community for all of your support during this unique school year. 2020 has been a year full of ups and downs, new challenges and triumphs, laughter and tears, and a truly unique year. We can't thank you enough for all of your support during this quickly changing school year! We truly appreciate our community! THANK YOU! Have a safe, healthy, and fun holiday break! See you in 2021! Go Owls!!!!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Oscoda Area Schools is seeking qualified individuals to join our team of highly skilled and exceptionally motivated educators. Check out our employment opportunities page at https://www.oscodaschools.org/o/oas/page/hr-employment-opportunities for all the details. We currently have openings for Teachers, Bus Drivers, and School Counselors. Do you have a skill set that you think you could put to good use for the students of Oscoda Area Schools? Contact our business office today at (989)739-2033 to discuss employment opportunities and training plans.
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Bus Driver 12-20
Secondary Health 12-20
K-12 Sp. Ed. Teacher 12-20
School Counselor 12-20
Parents of Seniors: Here is a reminder of upcoming Yearbook deadlines: Ads for Grads - December 14, 2020 Headshots/Freestyle Pics and Senior Quotes - January 15, 2021 "Tux and Drape" pictures will be taken by Lifetouch on January 27, 2021
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Happy Friday! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break and good week of online learning this week. We look forward to seeing all of our K-8th grade students back in the building on Monday, December 7th. Chester can not wait to see students in the building again. Here are some announcement from Chester for RES: *Monday, December 7th and December 14th are Be Kind Mondays. Everyone is encouraged to wear Be Kind shirts, shirts with inspirational messages, or the Be Kind colors of pink/blue. Staff will be looking for students doing Random Acts of Kindness. If caught, students will earn themselves a Caught Being Kind ticket and a small reward for this. We have a hallway designated for these tickets and Chester can not wait to see how many we can earn. *The RES office has some great Owl gear. If you are looking for an Oscoda Owl present for the holiday give the office a call or stop by to check it out. *We want to thank all of our families for being so supportive as we navigate on this journey of the school year together. We appreciate all of your dedication, hard work, and patience as we work to educate your child during this quickly changing year. We are grateful to have such amazing students, families, and a community!! We are very grateful for all of your support during the virtual learning. We saw some great things taking place. Our students ROCKED it! Thank you! We hope everyone has a fantastic Friday of learning and a fabulous weekend! See you soon! Go Owls!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
We have partnered to be able to provide COVID Testing information and resources. We have done this in an effort to promote the safest environment possible. Please review the attached file to answer questions you may have. We are working diligently to position ourselves to safely and effectively provide education in as many forms as possible. We are hopeful this resource can enhance our capacity to do so.
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
The Oscoda Owl’s Nest recently donated law enforcement themed books to Oscoda Township Police, Community Resource Officer Danny Gallahar, to read in classrooms. Officer Gallahar is pictured in his recent visit to Mrs. Mongeau’s classroom and we look forward to more visits on the horizon.
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Good Afternoon, With the upcoming holiday season and the scheduled days off from school associated therewith, we wanted to reach out to our families to inform everyone of the few changes to our food distribution schedule. Please see the following attachment which outlines these changes. Please take a moment to review the attached memo. We are very grateful to be able to provide meals to our students regardless of their learning format. If you have any questions or would like more information about our food distribution programs, please do not hesitate to contact our food service department at (989)739-2401.
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Food Memo Dated 11-17-20
Hello Seniors and Senior Parents! If you'd like to have any of the following included in the yearbook, I need to receive it from you by Friday, January 15, 2021: • A head shot (if you had senior pics taken, your photographer will have taken one that would be appropriate. If you did not have senior pictures taken, your school picture, or your drape and tux photo will be used. Drape and tux photos are scheduled for January). • A freestyle picture (This is a picture of you that represents something that you're passionate about. It could be a picture of you in a field of flowers, or holding a football, or sitting on a log on the beach. As long as it's school appropriate, we'll include it in the yearbook). • A "Senior Quote". Is there a quote that is meaningful to you? We'll include it along with freestyle pictures in the yearbook. Please email all of the above to "yearbook@oscodaschools.org" by Friday, January 15, 2021. Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Stay tuned for information about a "Senior Sign-Off Page". I will put that in the office for you to sign at your convenience AFTER December 8, when we resume face-to-face classes. Please keep the photos coming! Several of you (or your parents) have provided me with GREAT pictures so far - but most of the pictures that I've received have been from underclassmen. I'd really love to have a lot of senior representation in the yearbook. Please stay well!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Hello: This year, the Oscoda Area Music Boosters are offering their fruit fundraiser online. If you are able to support this effort, please click on the link below to order your fruit. Fruit will be shipped directly to your home. Because of COVID restrictions, no students will be visiting you in person to ask you to purchase fruit, and no students will be delivering fruit in person. In the link, after making your selections, there is an opportunity to select a "seller" from our current list of band members. If you would like a particular student to earn "credit" for your purchase, feel free to select a seller. It is not a necessary step in completing your order. Thank you for supporting this effort! http://freshfruitorder.org/OAMB Karen Karen R. Lopez, MA of Music Education Band and Choir Director Oscoda Area Schools
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
COVID-19 Grant List of Eligible School Employees
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
COVID Grant  1 of 2
COVID Grant 2 of 2
Congratulations to our RES Students of the Month for the Month of October: K: Keiralee Sanders 1st: Ryan Ruby 2nd: Aria Bierlein 3rd: Mackenzie Giffin 4th: Jaxen Ruckman 5th: Carley Mongeau 6th: Hailey Wrusch The above students were selected as our winners for exhibiting the following traits: *showing good character *having a positive attitude *always trying their best and putting in a top quality effort *setting a good example for others *being extremely hard-working *cooperative in classes and in the hallways *having good attendance *worthy of special recognition Congratulations to our October winners! There are still many more months in the school year. Students keep working hard and showcasing good character and you could be our next winner. Go Owls!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
October Student of the Month
Good Morning OAS Families, With all of our students having some virtual component to school this year, we know that this new format of school can get confusing at times. We appreciate how understanding and resilient you have been during this time in assisting your child through the online learning format. We also want to offer a virtual Google Classroom training for our parents/guardian. At this training parents/guardians will be walked through the different components of Google Classroom from OAS staff members. Below is the link to the flyer and registration form. Parents/guardians must register for this event. Anyone that registers will receive an email prior to the training. The link to the meeting and any other pertinent information will be in this email. We look forward to helping you out smart your student on Google Classroom. https://www.canva.com/design/DAELRjSWfXA/1OYDe_3AjjSQ2Is_TyGNrA/view?utm_content=DAELRjSWfXA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink Have a great day! Stay safe! Stay healthy! Go Owls!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Great work to Oscoda Richardson Elementary 6th grade classrooms on surviving a Zombie Apocalypse brought to them By Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union, The Owl’s Nest! Students were give a random budget determined by M&M colors in their individual fun size bags. Practicing their math skills, they picked supplies they felt they would need to survive while spending within their budget. Survivors were determined by if they had correctly picks the essential survival items which were predetermined by the Owl’s Nest co-ops Senior Jarod Goodson and Senior Ben Berenkowski!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
A big thank you to TCF Bank for their generosity and support of Oscoda Area Schools!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Richardson Elementary School Kindergarteners recently learned about saving money with Alpena Alcona Area Credit Union, The Owl’s Nest! Students listened to money stories read to them virtually by Owl’s Nest Co-op Jarod Goodson and Ben Berenkowski. Each student was provided a blank savings box to decorate with what they will buy when they save enough money!
about 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Due to the COVID pandemic the “Coats for Kids” organization will not be coming into the school to distribute coats this year, but instead will be taking pre orders and distributing the coats to each classroom on Monday, November 23, 2020. If you are in need of a coat/s for your student/s and/or any other siblings in the household, please fill out the attached form and return it to your child/s teacher no later than Friday, November 6, 2020. It is important you have the correct size as there will not be an opportunity to exchange the coats.
over 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
Coats for Kids
We are asking for YOUR help with this year's OHS Yearbook. We need photos of you, your friends, and your events. Any time that you (or your parents, or your grandparents, or your parent's friends, etc.) get a really good picture capturing a moment in time that you think should be published in the yearbook, PLEASE email it to us at yearbook@oscodaschools.org . Please include the name(s) of the person(s) in the photo, and where/when it took place. I can't guarantee that every single photo will be included, but I will do my best to get as many (school appropriate) memories included as possible. Students - check your email for requests for specific pictures and events or surveys that I'll send out throughout the year. Here are some ideas to get started: If you are learning from home - please send me a picture of you working at your table, or at your desk, or on your couch. You can also include a quote about how learning from home is going, and what you miss about being at the school, or what you love about learning from home. If you have several classes at ACC - take a selfie (by yourself or with some friends) at ACC and let us know how this is going. Are you enjoying the classes? Are you excited to leave HS with college credits earned? What are your plans for the future? If your volleyball team just won the league championship (congratulations!!) - please send me a team photo (with names) and the trophy. Did you get some great candid shots of volleyball players flying through the air? Send them along - let's celebrate these things! Is your MS girl's basketball team undefeated (congratulations!!) - please send me some candid shots of you guys (with names) working hard and scoring all those points. Are you on a football team that just outscored their opponents a record-breaking 298-6 in regular season play? Send us some pictures (with names) of you guys crushing it on the field. Did you run Cross Country and get featured in the Oscoda Press? Did you run cross country, and someone snapped a great picture of you red-faced and working hard? We would love to have a copy (with names) for the yearbook. Are you a part of the League Championship Soccer Team?? Were you named as a Player of the Week for the State of Michigan?? We need pictures of those events to include in YOUR yearbook! HS and MS Cheer - I'm sure that someone grabbed some cute pics of you guys doing your thing - please send them along (with names) so we can be sure that they are included in your yearbook. MS Football - I can't wait to see pictures of the highlights of your season. Please send us pictures (with names) of your outstanding plays. We are so grateful for your help with this project, and can't wait to see how YOUR yearbook turns out!
over 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
The Robert J. Parks Library is hosting a Teen Trivia & Pizza Night for teens aged 13-18 on November 25 from 5:15 - 6:45 PM. Space is limited so contact (989)739-9581 to reserve your spot!
over 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools
RJP Pizza Night
Wow. What another great week of play by our Oscoda Athletes! Congratulations to our Soccer team for a great season and a run in the playoffs. Congratulations to the Varsity Volleyball and Football Teams for their great week of big W's. Below are the events for this week. As always, these events are subject to change. https://5il.co/mgue
over 4 years ago, Oscoda Area Schools